
Ray the Werewolf

Chief Executive Officer and Lead Security Consultant

Ray is the originator of the unique security concept behind WULVS. As the owner and general manager, Ray is committed to insuring all of your valuables are securely protected in a way that will make you feel secure and the bad guys feel terrified!


Email : [email protected]

Website :

Phone : (123)456 - 789000

Address : Anytown, Anycountry

Previous experience

Advance Party Scout - Horrifying Habitats

Advance Party Scout / 01 - 1995

In Ray's first job he was responsible for finding new locales for the creatures that contract with Horrifying Habitats to provide new homes and environments in which to live and work. Ray was entirely responsible for the placement of over 100 denizens of imaginary worlds when four television vampire shows were cancelled simultaneously. Through Ray's diligent work over 98% of the creatures had new homes to haunt within a month of becoming unemployed.

Title & Company

Position / Date - Year

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